2024 in Images
My 2024 in Images
General observations about life. Some may call it miscellaneous, but it’s a part of life.
My 2024 in Images
Explore Madsbjerg’s insights on unbiased observation and Henderson’s take on how ideologies, not luxury, define social classes in this thought-provoking article. Discover a fresh perspective on societal dynamics and class distinctions.
Crucial Learning’s Six Sources of Influence Model
Bones and muscles work together to enable a body to move. They are different, yet would fail apart without each other. Muscles propel and activate motion, yet must have something to push against to do so. Bones cannot move on their own, yet provide structure so that when the muscle pushes against it, the bone…
What How to teachWhy the UX Bootcamp classes aren’t resulting in the change desired. what Deep dive on Goalswhy need to understand what makes good ones, ones that are useful for personas what root cause analysiswhy will help find goals what economicswhy understand how retail fits in, find out what aspects drive consumer behavior. what…